Research & Reporting

We design and build research frameworks, assessments, analyses, and reports using inclusive and culturally appropriate approaches that identify baseline data, opportunities and risks, and build capacity, while addressing short-, medium-, and long-term needs.

This foundational work supports the development of impactful strategies, meaningful engagement, strong reporting, and informed decision-making that drives success.

  • Baseline data identification and collection
  • Survey and interview design
  • Needs and impact analysis
  • Capacity needs assessments
  • Policy and industry studies
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Stakeholder research and mapping
  • Monitoring and evaluation frameworks
  • Market research

Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary

The Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary (AFCC) engaged CMR to support the launch and position of the aisokinakio’p Clinic, a collaborative initiative with OKAKI and Siksika Health Services. This project aimed to create a strong, culturally aligned brand and marketing communications strategy to connect the clinic with Indigenous community members while promoting trust with partners, donors, and stakeholders. The objective was to craft an authentic narrative and create materials that aligns with Indigenous values and promotes access to critical health resources.
See Our Impact